
Technical presentations

Tutorial on How to review scientific papers
Seminar to a group of students from the Centre for Intelligent Sensing (CIS)
Queen Mary University of London

[More details]

Deep learning models for computer vision
ECS709 - Introduction to Computer Vision (Winter 2022)
Lecturer: Prof. A. Cavallaro
Queen Mary University of London

Interest Points
ECS709 - Introduction to Computer Vision (Winter 2022)
Lecturer: Prof. A. Cavallaro
Queen Mary University of London


  • T. Apicella, PhD student (Queen Mary University of London), Visual Affordance Segmentation, 2022-2024
  • Y. L. Pang, PhD student (Queen Mary University of London), Safe Human-to-Robot Handovers, 2021
  • X. Weber, MSc student and Research Assistant (Queen Mary University of London), Object Pose Estimation, 2020-2022
  • S. Donaher, MSc student and Research Assistant (Queen Mary University of London), Audio Classification, 2022-2021

Lab Demonstrator

Queen Mary University of London

  • ECS709 - Introduction to Computer Vision, 2019, Lecturer: Prof. A. Cavallaro, Number of students: 66
  • ECS709 - Introduction to Computer Vision, 2018, Lecturer: Prof. A. Cavallaro, Number of students: 33

Note: The role was formerly known as Postgraduate Teaching Assistant.